For Educators
For discounts in the UK use the UK Education Order Form. For orders outside the UK contact us directly. We offer Teaching Resource Packs and free resources (below) for use alongside our graphic novels.

Helpful and engaging resources for teachers and students.
In order to experience our 3-tier approach to Shakespeare for free, here you can download sections from 4 plays (with 4 sections for The Tempest).
Presented as lineart, these documents are quick to download and simple to print. There is also a brief teaching resource book and a bonus "No Text" version, featuring empty speech balloons that you can fill in.
The full Shakespeare script for the set sections
The set sections translated into plain English
With reduced dialogue for rapid, easier reading
With empty speech balloons for you to fill in the dialogue
A handful of activities to engage pupils with each text
romeo & juliet
the tempest (set 1)
the tempest (set 2)
Much Ado About Nothing
richard iii
The illustrations help get the dialogue and action across to disaffected students
Resources offer ready-made lesson plans and activities
Set sections available in three text versions allow inclusive teaching for a class of mixed abilities
Students can start with the Quick Text and work up to the Original Text version
Have students colour the pages, or colour-code the speech bubbles
Have students write in the dialogue using the No Text version
Resources are electronic, so you can display them on a whiteboard for class study
Fun for children to study!
For Students
Start with the Quick Text version to get a rapid understanding of the set sections. Then progress onto the Plain Text version, and on to the Original Text of Shakespeare
Illustrations make it easier to visualise the characters and the events of the play
Dialogue is broken down into speech bubbles, making it easier to remember "who-says-what", aiding retention and understanding
Use the "No-Text" version for revision - write in the dialogue from memory
The illustrations help get the dialogue and action across to disaffected students
Resources offer ready-made lesson plans and activities
Set sections available in three text versions allow inclusive teaching for a class of mixed abilities
Students can start with the Quick Text and work up to the Original Text version
Have students colour the pages, or colour-code the speech bubbles
Have students write in the dialogue using the No Text version
Resources are electronic, so you can display them on a whiteboard for class study
Fun for children to study!
For Students
Start with the Quick Text version to get a rapid understanding of the set sections. Then progress onto the Plain Text version, and on to the Original Text of Shakespeare
Illustrations make it easier to visualise the characters and the events of the play
Dialogue is broken down into speech bubbles, making it easier to remember "who-says-what", aiding retention and understanding
Use the "No-Text" version for revision - write in the dialogue from memory
Here you’ll find sample pages from our teaching resource packs. Select your required book title to download your free sample.
Full-Colour Graphic Novel Sample Pages
Here you’ll find sample pages from our range of full-colour graphic novels. Select your required book title and reading level to download your free sample.
Original Text
Sample pages from the unabridged play or full story.
Plain Text
Sample pages from the modern English translation of Shakespeare’s plays.
Quick Text
Sample pages from the reduced dialogue play or story.